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Diona Robe

Steph Curry Hosts Democratic Governor Candidate Stacey Abrams to Get Georgians Out to Vote

With early election voting starting in Georgia, Democratic governor nominee Stacey Abrams recently sat down with NBA Superstar Steph Curry virtually during an IG live to ensure Georgians are aware of the impact this midterm election will have on their state.

The systemic suppression of Black votes in Georgia and across the country has been at the forefront of the upcoming midterm elections. “If it didn’t matter so much they wouldn’t put so many obstacles in your way to get there,” Abrams explains, referring to laws put in place to eradicate the power of the Black vote. As Abrams works to become the first Black woman governor in US history, Curry used his platform to clear up misconceptions regarding Abrams and her opponent Gov. Brian Kemp.

“Governors have the most power that no one knows about,” said Abrams. “When congress sends billions of dollars to your state to say this money should go to your community it doesn’t go directly to your mayor it goes to the governor.” During the chat, Abrams pointed out that Gov. Kemp has refused to do the best for all citizens of their state, highlighting major differences in communities of color versus neighboring white communities of the same size that seem to flourish. “The mayor can be asking for as much as she wants, the President could be sending as much as he should, but if the governor decides that you don’t deserve it, you don’t get it,” said Abrams.

For Georgia that means no financial aid for college students, no Medicaid health expansion for over 500,000 residents and no inclusionary home zoning or rent control for citizens, potentially forcing families from their homes as rents rise. “If that’s how much power governors have, imagine what could happen if a governor had the power to do things right,” she said.

During the most recent governor’s debate, Kemp and Abrams who agreed on little saw the progress of their state in very different lights, “This is a governor who for the last four years has beat his chest but delivered very little for most Georgians," Abrams said. “He’s weakened gun laws and flooded our streets. He’s weakened women’s rights. He's denied women the access to reproductive care. The most dangerous thing facing Georgia is four more years of Brian Kemp,” said Abrams.

While Kemp insisted, “My desire is to continue to help them fight through 40-year-high inflation and high gas prices and other things that our Georgia families are facing right now financially because of bad policies in Washington, D.C., where President Biden and the Democrats have complete control," said Kemp.

Following Abrams' clarification of many detrimental laws that were in fact instated by governors, Curry is noticeably excited to be a part of a movement that empowers voters and supports lawmakers who want real change. “Somebody honoring the power and ability to impact people's lives in a material way… productive conversations on how we use this power for good and how we continue to change people's lives and speak for them, I can tell you have that heart and passion,” Curry said.

Before the conversation concluded, Curry asked if we can really shock the system and win, Abram responded,

“Yes, if every person who is eligible to vote who wants me to be their leader, who wants their lives to be better shows, yes we absolutely can win.”


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